Affiliated To: PSEB -

Admission Norms & Process

Admission and registration forms are available at the school office on all working days between 09:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Minimum age for studying in classes from Nursery to VIII class is 2.5 yrs. to 14+ yrs. respectively. Admissions are open, every year, from October onwards. Students from grade 1 onwards are interviewed and tested before admission is granted. The new academic session begins in April of every year.

Registration-cum-admission form for any future session should be filled in and deposited in the School with the prescribed fees. Preference is given to a child registered earlier, provided he/she qualifies. Prior registration is a pre-condition for admission. Admission Process Admission for new students is a 5 step process detailed as below:

Admission for new students is a 5 step process detailed as below:

1. Enquiry
2. Registration for admission
3. Screening / Enterance Test
4. Parent – Principal meet to understand the school atmosphere better
5. Admission

Requirements for admission

  1. Birth Certificate ·
  2. Aadhar Card ·
  3. 5 Copies of photographs of child, 2 copies each of parents or Guardian ·
  4. Students transferring from other schools are required to submit their original transfer certificates and progress reports at the time of admission.from Grade I Ownwards
  5. Medical Fitness Certificate


The school fee is to be paid regularly in four installments on quarterly basis.

School Fees can be paid : ·

  • By Cheque in school ·
  • Online Transfer 
  • In any Axis Bank Branch
  • By Cash in School Office